Resources needed
Can you can help!
This ministry is funded by a combination of voluntary contributions and fees charged to facilities to cover ministry expenses such as travel, phone, web hosting services, postage and printing, and to maintain equipment.
T'Amim is a 501c3 non-profit ministry - all donations are tax deductible!
Presently, I work three days a week for a wonderful company called Family Recovery Services - it's been a great opportunity, but it does limit my available time. I believe God is calling this ministry to be full-time and my goal is to be in one or more facilities every day and to reach the entire state of Ohio, but I can't do that alone. You can help with one-time donations or monthly support and/or by helping me fing opportunities/facilities where I can minister - can you help?
Since beginning this endeavor, I’ve had to readjust my thinking! The concept of “asking for funding” is not one I’m comfortable with. However, I’ve come to learn that if God is calling me to ministry, then it’s God who is doing the “asking”. So, if you feel any prompting to help or if you just want to find out more about this ministry, I'd love to meet with you face to face or online to discuss this work and my ministry vision. Just use the contact page to reach me and set up a time/way to get together!
Since beginning this endeavor, I’ve had to readjust my thinking! The concept of “asking for funding” is not one I’m comfortable with. However, I’ve come to learn that if God is calling me to ministry, then it’s God who is doing the “asking”. So, if you feel any prompting to help or if you just want to find out more about this ministry, I'd love to meet with you face to face or online to discuss this work and my ministry vision. Just use the contact page to reach me and set up a time/way to get together!